Stratigraphy and Palaeontology

Stratigraphy is a branch of Geology and the Earth Sciences that deals with the arrangement and succession of strata, or layers, as well as the origin, composition and distribution of these geological strata. Stratigraphy, scientific discipline concerned with the description of rock successions and their interpretation in terms of a general time scale. It provides a basis for historical geology, and its principles and methods have found application in such fields as petroleum geology and archaeology.


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Wisdom Press


317 Pages









About The Author

Bijay Kumar Sahu

Stratigraphy is a branch of Geology and the Earth Sciences that deals with the arrangement and succession of strata, or layers, as well as the origin, composition and distribution of these geological strata. Stratigraphy, scientific discipline concerned with the description of rock successions and their interpretation in terms of a general time scale. It provides a basis for historical geology, and its principles and methods have found application in such fields as petroleum geology and archaeology. Palaeontology is the branch of science that deals with the fossils which are the remains of the past. The entire basic evolution is based upon the fossils. The present title is written primarily for the use of students who require basic information on fossils of invertebrates, vertebrates, plants, microfossils and trace fossils. Paleontology, also spelled palaeontology, scientific study of life of the geologic past that involves the analysis of plant and animal fossils, including those of microscopic size, preserved in rocks. It is concerned with all aspects of the biology of ancient life forms: their shape and structure, evolutionary patterns, taxonomic relationships with each other and with modern living species, geographic distribution, and interrelationships with the environment. Paleontology is mutually interdependent with stratigraphy and historical geology because fossils constitute a major means by which sedimentary strata are identified and correlated with one another. Its methods of investigation include that of biometry (statistical analysis applied to biology), which is designed to provide a description of the forms of organisms statistically and the expression of taxonomic relationships quantitatively. The present title claims to be a complete thorough and authentic exposition of the topics dealt with. Emphasis has been laid on introducing basic as well as modern concepts.


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