This book attempts to present the required basic background for Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS and GPS in the new Geoinformation concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. The fundamentals of these are described in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional and local applications. Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics covers a wide range of explanations to various entries that have emerged as a result of the multi-disciplinary approach in the realm of the current era which includes subjects of Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Geographical Positioning System (GPS), Microwave System and Aerial Photography. Remote Sensing is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science dealing with the collection of the information on natural resources from distance using electromagnetic energy. The principles involved in the process is interaction of radiation with the matter and their surface. Different techniques and technologies have been developed to collect the information and their interpretation. Geographic information systems provide a method for integrating and analysing spatial information such as where is the nearest movie theatre? alongside related non-spatial information. GIS have three major capabilities and can operate on a range of platforms. A map, however, is only one way you can work with geographic data in a GIS, and only one type of product generated by a GIS. This book will serve as a text on the subject for the teachers and students as well as a source of information to all those interested and involved in the subject of agrometeorology and remote sensing.
Photo Geology and Remote Sensing
This book attempts to present the required basic background for Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS and GPS in the new Geoinformation concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. The fundamentals of these are described in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional and local applications.
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Book Details
Publisher | Wisdom Press |
Pages | 313 Pages |
Binding | Hardback |
Language | English |
ISBN | 978-93-92407-27-7 |
Released | 2023 |
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